26 October 2005

Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes

In those days people will no longer say, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'
Jeremiah 31:29

Having retired early to bed last night, something I rarely do – as my wife can attest to, I woke early, my sleep being pleasant to me. Having the day off (as if there might be such a thing) I thought I might get a peek at some of the writings from the House of Degenhart, as I saw several links from other agrarian minded folk. I also enjoyed reading some of the comment/discussions and remarks from others on the published work.

Something of note, whether in be the 109 Comments or provocative title, brought me to read this post, as it seems Chad has taken a “sabbatical”. Though I thought twice about kicking out this commentary, I thought ‘hay why not, after all I am not a “man with no pants”! (a phrase I learned from a Brazilian friend of mine who speaks Portuguese or as I say pork-a-gees, never can say that right – sorry Dan)

I could not help after following the links in his writing to bring to mind a conversation my friend Jim and I were having regarding the proverb found in Ezekiel and the Lords admonishment to not use it any longer. Yet theological it is applied over and over again throughout the ‘hallowed halls’ of modern teaching. I myself enjoyed its usage in Jeremiah 31, perhaps because of the allegories and agrarian references used throughout. Jim’s much more modern than I and prefers the straight-line approach to the subject. I think the word picture painted in Jeremiah gives a greater overview to the whole of the subject.

Anyway this is some of the musing and ruminations that JamesStrawman” Brady and I have had over thought, conversation and coffee. (Three things I enjoy when talkin’ to Jim.) Without tipping the board in to the theological deep end I thought I’d put out a few hard verses to ignore - though easily missed when one is biologically predisposed as progeny of another’s tenet without understanding the history of the organizations origins.

Little thought is original, in fact in today’s society most of ones original thought is heretical, and apart from ‘the greater’ group-think can find themselves a cozy place in Holtzman's Hearth if they say too much, too often…….(to be continued)


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Tom Scepaniak said...

Hey Scott, Thanks for fixing up you site, I can finally get on here now!


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Chad said...

Thanks for visiting, Scott, and I hope you enjoyed the archives!

I look forward to reading more of your posts.


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